Three Years Later…

I’m back.

I spent much of the past few days re-reading old entries and having immersed myself so thoroughly in that “world that was”, I almost feel like I am speaking to myself and to my old readers from the future.  Though here I am, right in the present as always.

When I returned here, mere days ago, it was with a vision of re-purposing this space as I am, again, in a period of transition in my life.  Now that I am slightly reacquainted with the onebreath of this other dimension, I recognize her strength and resilience in a way I could not when I was living it for the first time.

I hope to draw upon that strength again.

General updates:

  1. Relationship Status:  After living together, trying very hard and believing we just might get out happy ending after all, I had a recent breakup.  With the same man from old entries!!! I *think* I have finally learned that lesson.  It only took 9 years.  Though also read here:
  2. Eating Disorder Status:  In recovery.  Still.  It’s a hell of a road, this one.
  3. Health Status: In flux.  I recently have had some difficult times related to diabetes complications but I learned (today!) that things are looking better.  I’ve been doing a happy dance in my head all day.
  4. Self Status: Still searching for meaning and purpose that fill me up without tripping up all my insecurities and self doubt.

So I guess that’s where I am.

I’m still not sure where I’m going.

But I am here.  Now.  Living my life.

From the very talented Francois at Sketches in Stillness